We handle maintenance and repairs for the Högsåra wind farm. Additionally, we provide consulting services related to maintenance and repairs.

Case 1: WT Generator Replacement
- The generator replacement for TG3 power plant took place in Högsåra.
- The power plant’s condition monitoring system detected an increase in vibration levels due to bearing damage.
- Equipment used: 130-ton and 500-ton cranes, a telescopic handler, a truck, and a trailer for transportation.
- Transport route for the replacement generator:
- Freight: Rotterdam, Netherlands – Turku, Finland.
- Pontoon transport from Turku to Högsåra.
- Using the crane, the rotor and the old generator were lifted out, and the new generator was installed.
- The entire generator replacement process took a total of 9 days:
- 6 days for preparations, disassembly, installation, and lifting operations.
- 3 days for connecting and commissioning the new generator.
Case 2: WT Ultrasonic Anemometer Replacement on top of nacelle
- In one of the Högsåra wind turbines, the wind direction began to randomly fluctuate by approximately ±180 degrees.
- The turbine’s control information relies on wind speed and direction data from anemometers on the turbine’s roof.
- Hafmex investigated the issue and conducted fault diagnostics.
- The fault was traced to the Ultrasonic anemometer located on top of the turbine nacelle.
- Necessary replacement equipment and accessories were available in the turbine’s spare parts inventory.
- Hafmex successfully replaced the faulty anemometer, restoring normal wind direction information promptly.
- Replacement device: FT Technologies Wind Sensor – FT702LT/Dv22 FF1.